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Moist Carrot and Almond Cake

November 06|2015

I love afternoon tea and a slice of cake.  My Aunt Louise sent me this recipe as she knows I always have my eye out for tempting gluten free baking ideas.  I have tweaked it slightly to my taste, but essentially it is a moist and very flavoursome cake.  The ground almonds substitute for flour; similar to my Chocolate Almond Torte recipe.  In my recipe,  I grind the almonds …

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Roasted Sweet Potato with Chickpeas/Garbanzo and Kale

September 03|2015

As the season starts to make a turn I look forward to warming, satisfying recipes. This month I wanted to concentrate on recipes that give me energy. I love the sugary flavour of  sweet potato balanced alongside the turmeric/cumin infused chick peas and kale. I hadn’t cooked a lot with kale, until a friend turned me to kale chips and I tried making my own last month; …

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